Nowt as strange as folk !

If you saw my tweets you will know the vintage fair I attended on Saturday was a huge success ( post soon ).  So I had the perfect excuse to get up bright and early yesterday, take hubby to work and pop by the Sunday morning boot sale to stock up on more lovelies !  It was grey and drizzly but I thought it would still be worth a quick look.  There were hardly any stall holders but the serious buyers had turned out in force.  This really made for a rugby scrum on any stalls with potential.  I decided to have a quick whizz around and actually got myself quite a little bounty.

The photo does not do these items justice.  The glasses are a really pretty pink colour.  The gorgeous decanter was really grubby with a lot of sediment.  I soaked it overnight with bicarbonate of soda inside and then filled it with diluted washing up liquid.  I think the pale pink washing up liquid really compliments the glasses don't you ?

I found this pretty Limoges Serving platter with three sections on the same stall as the glasses, its the most gorgeous soft faded pinks.  A perfect shabby chic item.  Can't find anything about it online apart from the fact that of course Limoges of France was and still are producers of fine quality Porcelain products.

I couldn't resist this great wooden wine carrier from the very upmarket french store Meme du Quercy ! oh ! la! la!

The next item is from the seller who I gave the title of this post to.  The Sunday boot sale takes place in a huge cattle market, on good days the whole site is full.  As yesterday was grey and drizzly the sellers were scattered around the site.  This chap choose the farthest point to pitch his van, as he had what looked like lots of interesting boxes and wares from a distance, I thought he was worth the trek in the rain to check out.  He did indeed have some treasures, he was loudly pronouncing that he had cleared out a rectory.  I picked my way through lots of filthy bits and bobs and found myself some pieces with potential.  People were queuing up to get prices and then I noticed most were putting down the items and walking away.
Odd!  Anyway, Happy with my little bundle I approached him.  At this point he snatched some items off a lady near to me and marched towards a table to display them again shouting at the top of his voice " go away maggots, go away maggots ! I don't give my stuff away, I don't sell to maggots only serious dealers need apply "  The poor lady looked totally mortified and hurried away, everybody looked aghast !  He continued to shout .

 What do I do now ? do I risk approaching him to ask for a price or do I just forgo my treasures in case he wants silly money for them and shouts at me !  I though maybe humour might work, so I approached him and said "I'm almost too scared to ask you now how much you want for these"  " I don't sell to maggots, you can have those for £5 "   I was happy with my price for my little lot so handed over my money. Phew ! I was about to walk away when he boomed "of course you can have them for free if you come out to dinner with me " 

This gorgeous white dish is not old I am certain of that but its such a pretty shape and it washed up a treat.  Think it looks lovely holding my moulded sugars.

The other purchases from this charming chap will have to wait until another day.

Finally for today I was lucky enough to be the first person to get to this lady and her box of treasures.  I was able to nab a whole load of gorgeous china, there was a lot of tutting and sighing going on around me as I pulled treasure after treasure out of her box !  Here is a tiny selection.

Please do pop over to Lizzie's MAGPIEMONDAY to see what the other thrifty ladies found this past week.