The wood burner

The nights are drawing in and there is definitely a chill in the air.  I do love this time of year but I also dread it because of the cost of the heating bills.  We try to put off turning the central heating on for as long as possible.  Layering on the clothes and reminding everyone to close doors, put more clothes on, turn down the radiators etc etc. 

Recently hubby and I have spent more and more time discussing the possibility of installing a wood burner, we know several people who have them and apart from looking fantastic they are supposed to be really good value for money and super efficient.  As we live in a 1930's house we already have the fire places (with unblocked chimney's) in place.

While we discuss the pros and cons further I thought I would have a little day dream,  here are some I really like the look of.

How wonderful is this one in a bedroom complete with a full sized picture wall of a winter
 woodland !

We could do this in our living room as the layout of the chimney in the room is the same.

oh Rustic Love !

Now this one is really me !

Modern style

all pictures from #pinterest