Ideal Home Magazine Feature July 2017

You may remember at the end of last year I had a visit from the very lovely photographer Colin Poole.  Colin spent the day at my home photographing it for Idea Home Magazine.  
 It went to print at the beginning of June for the July 2017 edition.   I found out via a friend on Facebook, who saw the feature when she received her monthly subscription.  It took me a few more days to finally get my hands on a copy when it appeared in the shops !

I have to say its an odd sensation to see yourself and your home in print in a glossy magazine, although I think they missed a trick by not showing the utility room  renovated by my husband from the outside coal shed and loo, but overall they did a great job.  some of the quotes I certainly wouldn't have said but, I suppose its all open to interpretation.

These photographs are some of the shots that didn't make the cut.

I particularly like this one.  Think it would have been more me if they had left in the re-loved chairs at each end though.  My whole style has been developed out of necessity.  Almost without exception, everything in my home has been bought on a budget or upcycled by myself or my husband.  I felt it was really important  this feature should reflect that.  I want to show you can have a nice home and it doesn't have to cost a fortune., it just takes time and thought.

Time for tea !

A bedroom shot.  

The living room.

Everything in this room has either been made by my husband (the footstool and the bookcase and cupboard below) or bought second hand via a bootsales or charity shops , or in the case of the sofa, a review item through blogging. The only item purchased at full value is the painting by a local Cornish artist which was our house warming gift to each other when we married 14 years ago.

All photographs above courtesy of Colin Poole Photography

The cover of the current edition should you wish to take a look at the whole article for yourself.

The front garden clearly needs some work.  Maybe a job for next year I think !

Get my style !