One man's trash


I found this monster of a table at the bootsale.  It was dark, stained and very, very heavy solid wood.  The top was beyond redemption but I could immediately see the potential with all the detail to the underside and legs.

When I looked at the piece I imagined a wonderful ocean swept piece of furniture sitting perfectly in a beachside retreat.

After a LOT of sanding, several coats of white paint, a top coat of beautiful clouded sky from the Origins range by Dulux, some gently rubbing down and waxing I am really, really pleased with the result and if it doesn’t sell.  I’m keeping it !

When family and home have to come first

Its with much sadness that I have to close my beloved shop.  Its not a decision I have made easily and have shed more than a few tears of late trying to make the final call to the Landlord.  Its been a glorious if not stressful ride for the last year but I really didn't appreciate how much time and energy it would take.  My family and my health have suffered and you don't get a second chance with either of those.

I've been lucky to have the opportunity to realise my dream and whose not to say I might even return to it down the line, but for now I am taking a bit of  rest when I close up.  I will then return to a job I know well, with people I like and respect and which will give me much more time to spend with my young family.

I've met some pretty amazing people over the last year in Exmouth and I will certainly miss all the chats and laughs.  I think good old fashioned customer service is sadly lacking in this country these days so hope at least some of those customers will appreciate the service I gave them.

Its not the end of  The White Approach brand and after a break I will be returning to select fairs and events.  I might even get my website back up and running properly too.

At the moment I am feeling very fragile and just a bit of a failure but I know I have made the right decision for my family and myself and hope I will feel it is the right decision at some point soon.

Anyway, the last day I will be open is .Saturday 29th March so if you are in the area, please do pop in for a browse and a chat before then.

Many thanks indeed to all the lovely friends and customers who have taken the time to search out my little tucked away piece of heaven over the last year.  I have truly appreciated each and every sale.

Karen XxXx

IKEA in Exeter

Many, many years ago whilst serving in Germany I came across a store which was way ahead of its time in terms of design and product innovation called IKEA.  You could shop for everything you needed for the home, following a pathway around the shop past every kind of room design and fill your basket to overflowing with affordable homewares and gadgets you might not really need or even know what they were for but they were cheap and looked good.

About 20 years too late for me, IKEA it seems is finally coming to Exeter.  There was a time I would have been ecstatic about this, no more long drives down the M5 to Bristol or Birmingham to shop this iconic brand.  These days my taste has evolved and I prefer to spend my hard earned cash more wisely and buy sturdy, solid wood, usually, English made items I can lovingly restore to fill my home with one off unique items.

It occurred to me that instead of fighting the inevitable exodus of customers from my little independent shop, I embrace the Aladdin's cave of ideas and items IKEA has to offer.  So off I popped to Pinterest to get a bit of inspiration for just what you can achieve with a bit of imagination using items bought from IKEA.

Metal mesh lace planters made into  wonderful downlighter lamps.

This style of bookcase is always available at IKEA and very affordable.  Pop it on its side, upholster the top and add some feet and you have a bench seat which is not only attractive but comfortable and practical too.

Always lots of plain wooden furniture at IKEA perfect for painting and decoupage.

Chairs like this are perfect for this imaginative transformation

The vidja lamp perfect to add silhouettes to.

Just a few examples of what a little imagination can do.   So I say bring on the IKEA store !  I look forward to trawling their goodies and if you have a piece of furniture you would like me to transform for you, please do get in touch.  email