The best friend gene

My whole life, Christmas has been about children (the easy part) I excel at "doing" Christmas.
 New year on the other hand is about adults and friendship. These days (screeches to a halt) not so much.

It's a wrap


Super effective and cheap finger print wrapping paper from Pinterest

Every year I promise myself I will get more

Deck the hall (and everywhere else)

 I LOVE Christmas ! I love the anticipation, the excitement and the decorating.  I love the decorating!  This year as I'm no longer self employed I'm not so tired and distracted and it has become a pleasure again. We were really lucky to be sent a Christmas tree to review from Pines and Needles so the decorating started earlier than our usual week before Christmas, but today I finished it all off and I LOVE IT !

Christmas Tree - Pines and Needles

There has never been any discussion when it comes to Christmas trees in our home.  It always has been and always will be "real is best".  I love the look, the smell, the whole experience of going out each year and choosing just the right one.  So I was thrilled to bits when the lovely people at Pines and Needles contacted me and offered to send me one of their best selling Nordman Fir Christmas trees.

Knocking down walls

Taking inspiration from this picture I found on #Pinterest, I always wanted a wonderful bright spacious kitchen come family room in my home.  Unfortunately we never